Nouri Foundation opens Youth Day

On Saturday, June 29, the Nouri Foundation will open the Port Pan tournament at the second edition of the Youth Day Amsterdam at Zeehavendagen Amsterdam. In addition to their sporting participation, Amsterdam's youngsters can learn about the port through a variety of activities.


Sport connects
The mission of the Nouri Foundation is to allow people to play sports and games together in a safe environment. Everyone is allowed to participate, and no one is excluded. Sport is the connecting factor. And tthis mission is also the Youth Day accomplished, together with the City of Amsterdam, the Youth Center Amsterdam and the organization of Working in the Port.

Getting to know Working at the Port
During the tournament, young people can meet the ambassadors of the Nouri Foundation during an exclusive meet & greet. Young people can watch the performances of various DJs and young people will be introduced to Working in the Port. There will be sailing workshops, there will be ships at the quay for them to board or they can sail themselves with a simulator. The organization is raffling off €150 among all Youth Day participants.

Youth Day is on Saturday, June 29, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Kop van Java event site. You can sign up for the Youth Day here!

Incentive program Working in the Port
The education a labor market program during Zeehavendagen Amsterdam is part of the Stimuleringsprogramma Werken in de Haven (Working in the Port). This program has two main goals: promoting (working in) the Amsterdam port and facilitating a good match between young people, lateral entrants, training institutes and employers in and around the port.