ORAM and Working in the Port sign Amsterdam Internship Pact MBO
At the beginning of April the Amsterdam Stagepact MBO was signed by more than 40 parties. This makes Amsterdam the first Dutch city with a local Internship Pact.
ORAM, as lead partner of the programme Werken in de Haven, has signed on behalf of Port of Amsterdam and Amports. Together, we will work to give every MBO student in Amsterdam an internship, with good supervision and a suitable internship allowance.
Vision Working in the Port
The Internship Pact is in line with the vision of the Working in the Port incentive programme:
- Organize more vocational internships and a better match between supply and demand
- Provide fair internship compensation
- Create optimal social safety and prevent internship discrimination
- Realize good communication between education and industry
In Amsterdam, 40,000 MBO students study. In the port, they are eager to get these professionals on board. Think of jobs in loading and unloading, in storage and transhipment and in the energy transition. The companies are busy developing into increasingly better internship companies. The internships and jobs in the port can already be found in one place: werkenindehaven.amsterdam .
Stronger together
Just like the national Internship Pact, the Amsterdam Internship Pact contains agreements on improving internships. The Internship Pact connects companies, vocational education institutions, the Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education and Business (SBB) and the municipality of Amsterdam, to work together towards a valuable, safe and positive practical experience for all vocational students and employers. This signing moment is the starting signal for a successful collaboration between all parties.
Yasemin Demirtas, program manager Labor Market looks back on yesterday 'We should be proud of our MBO students, because they are essential for Amsterdam. And therefore also the port! With the signing of the internship pact, the collaboration between the business community, the municipality, MBO institutions, MBO courses and students starts. An important development. All parties must invest in an improved route from MBO student to employer. And there are still steps that need to be taken in this area.
Sofyan Mbarki, alderman for vocational education and labour market guidance, emphasises once again the potential that is present in Amsterdam: 'If we as a city do not make use of the great talent that is present in vocational education, we will get nowhere. It is the combination of working with your hands and your head that makes vocational education so unique. Good internships are essential in this, because they make the step from study to work smaller.'
We look forward to further cooperation between all educational institutions and the port business community.
Watch the video below about all the work that MBO graduates do in the city. It was made by MBO students of media studies.