Construction IJmuiden salt dam progresses steadily

Following the completion of the IJmuiden Sea Lock, the salt dam is now approaching the final construction phase. The structure should soon contain the inflow of salt water. How does that work?

construction salt dam in final construction phase

Construction of the sea lock at IJmuiden has been underway for some time. In March 2022, a a special edition of Ways to Sea about this immense project. The sea lock was festively opened by King Willem Alexander in January of that year. The construction of Zeesluis IJmuiden started in July 2016 and was completed in August 2021. An intensive period of inventive construction, during which space was limited.


Then the project for the salt dam began. 'Construction of a salt dam of this caliber is unique,' contractor combination Van Hattum & Blankevoort (VHB) told Amports in Ways to Sea #1 of 2023. In November last year, construction of the piers reached reached its highest point. The salt dam is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2024.

In the animation below, Rijkswaterstaat explains what the salt dam will look like and how salinization will be dealt with.




On Wednesday, March 13, Rijkswaterstaat, together with the contractor Van Hattum and Blankevoort, is organizing an information meeting on the construction of Zoutdam IJmuiden. The constellation will be built in the Binnenspuikanaal of the IJmuiden Lock Complex and serves to counter further salinization of the North Sea Canal through the use of Sea Lock IJmuiden.

During the information meeting, the purpose and reason for the construction of the salt dam will be discussed. The principle of selective extraction of salt water by the salt dam will also be explained. The presentation will pay much attention to the construction of the enormous structure and in particular the placement of the pillars of the salt dam. This major lifting operation is scheduled for early April and is an important milestone in the project.


Sign up

The information meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 13, at 711 Stadium, Minister van Houtenlaan 123 in Velsen-Zuid. Walk-in is from 7 p.m. and the presentation will start at 7:30 p.m. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Interested parties can register for the information meeting via the registration form on the facebook page Rijkswaterstaat Zoutdam IJmuiden.